I loved Clock Dance! Not come across the other two books, but they sound great. I was thinking recently too how in the 80s we were so much less supervised as kids. Family decisions didn't revolve around us like they do now, and I do think I have struggled to remember that as a mum. A book I recently read set in the 80s was We Run with the Tides by Vandela Vida. More about teen girls coming-of-age, but I enjoyed it!

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I reread "Clock Dance" not too long ago and liked it so much more the second time around. I remember Willa's attraction to safety and marveled at the small subtle ways she changed. The longing of the little girl for a grandmother was immediately familiar to me -- grandmothers are everything mothers can't be: experienced, less involved, just-as-loving, and able to marvel and enjoy rather than fix.

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