I’m with you on the hunger for filled-up book shelves! They don’t need to be overflowing. Packed solid is ok but doesn’t leave room for expansion. But a shelf without books is, indeed, a sad sight! I suppose I’m making an argument for the Goldilocks approach. The number of books, for each of us, needs to be “just right.”

See you Dec 6! Looking forward to it.

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I am currently living out of boxes, and I cannot wait until I have a home full of my books again. I move in later in November, and I truly know the feeling of home is where the books are, and I cannot wait to be settled again! I hope your home feels it soon :)

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I did read the book. I did find the premise of the story intriguing, but found the character building and development a little thin. I find myself still loving her debut novel the most, Eveything I Ever Told You, has been my favorite.

Congrats on moving and settling in! It always takes a long time to find your new routine and routings again.

I also got rid of many of my books before I moved, and now I'm happy with my smaller permanent-for-now collection, and the ever-revolving section of library books I have at home.

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I love this description of your new home! How evocative!

And, I dunno, dystopia is hard to even score three lambs, but I trust you and your good sense!

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Good to hear from you again, Rosalynn, I have missed your writing! I am glad that the move went well. I too let go of a lot of books that I knew I would never read again when we downsized a few years ago, and I often look at my bookshelves and wish for them back. Even the ones I studied and hated (Hello, Madame Bovary!) I've recently considered collecting them all again from used bookstores, just to see their familiar spines in my otherwise homely space.

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